Presented by Dr. Sandra Konja

How To Thrive in Both Your Career and in Motherhood...

...WITHOUT Feeling Burnt Out in The Process

The Career and Motherhood Navigator
Discover A System That Helps Career Focused Mothers Navigate The Dynamics Between Their Professional Life And Motherhood, While Connecting With A Version Of Themselves That Feels Strong, Confident, And Balanced In As Little As 12 Weeks…Without Feeling Burnt Out In The Process. 
In this Masterclass, I’ll share: 
  • The surprising reason why some career focused moms have a hard time feeling happy after having their kids…and how to avoid it
  • Why staying quiet about the mental roadblocks that you're experiencing can often backfire…and what to do instead
  • ​Why some moms are able to enjoy both their careers and motherhood simultaneously (hint: it’s not because they have easy kids)
  • ​An easy way to increase happiness and support even if leaving the house isn't an option
About Your Host
“Dr. Sandra Konja has a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and is certified in perinatal mental health. 

She is most well known for helping mothers feel happier and more emotionally supported throughout their postpartum and motherhood journey.”
This is for career focused mothers who want to feel happier, accepted, understood, and validated during this season in motherhood...and who are ready to give themselves the love and attention that they deserve
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